The Beyond Test Scores Project works to strengthen public education and advance equity through more humane assessment.
Standardized test scores measure only a fraction of what we all agree schools should do. Moreover, they often tell us more about student background variables than they do about school quality. If we’re serious about collecting data about student learning and school performance, it’s time to look beyond test scores.
The Beyond Test Scores Project works with educators and communities across the United States to build fairer, more accurate, and more comprehensive measures of school quality. BTS also works with policy leaders and educational researchers to use data more responsibly and more democratically.
Jack Schneider, Executive Director, schneider@educ.umass.edu
Peter Piazza, Associate Director, peter@edcommonwealth.org
Ashley Carey, Assistant Director, ashleycarey@umass.edu
Research Assistants
Derrick Dzormeku, University of Massachusetts Lowell, derrick_dzormeku@student.uml.edu
James Fargnoli, University of Massachusetts Lowell, james_fargnoli@student.uml.edu
Abeer Hakouz, University of Massachusetts Lowell, abeer_hakouz@student.uml.edu
Cassandra McCallum, University of Massachusetts Lowell, cassandra_mccallum@student.uml.edu
Kara McGovern, University of Massachusetts Lowell, karalyn_mcgovern@student.uml.edu
Melanie Pavao, University of Massachusetts Lowell, melanie_pavao@student.uml.edu
Research Partners
Pablo Bezem, University of Massachusetts Lowell, pablo_bezem@uml.edu
Mark Hsu, University of Massachusetts Lowell, hsienyuan_hsu@uml.edu
James Noonan, EdD, Salem State University, jnoonan@salemstate.edu
Ricardo D. Rosa, PhD, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, rrosa2@umassd.edu
Julie Spencer-Robinson, Education Commonwealth Project, julie@ecp.org
Rachel S. White, PhD, University of Tennessee Knoxville, rswhite@utk.edu
Elizabeth Zumpe, PhD, University of Oklahoma Tulsa, elizabeth.a.zumpe-1@ou.edu